Friday, May 23, 2014

The Safety of Sunflowers

IT'S ALIVE! The Safety of Sunflowers was a story that popped into my head sometime ago. I sketched out the basics in my notes for The Glacier of Gods and Monsters, but as I continued writing the novel I realized that the story I had plotted out in my head wasn't going to really work with the way that GoGaM was moving. I decided instead to write it separately just to see how it flowed as a stand alone. As I finished it, I was surprised at how well it stood on its own. I passed it onto my beta-readers and received great feedback from them. After a few edits I am happy to now pass the story on to you.

The Safety of Sunflowers is the story of a girl who must come to terms with the tragic hand that life dealt her and the poor decisions pushed upon her by her abusive brother. In terms of the world of the River Sanctuaries, it's also a study in the creation of what Jack might refer to as a Rogue Soul.

For those who have read Waking Up Dead, I hope you'll enjoy this short sojourn into another aspect of the world. For those that have not yet read the novel, know that you can read The Safety of Sunflowers without any knowledge of the greater world setup in the book. The story is now available for $0.99 on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, and pretty much any other online retailer. Enjoy it and

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